Blog posts

R-Ladies+ Feat. useR! 2021

In this post, you will see that we have used the R-Ladies logo with the colors of the rainbow and the trans flags. We have also added a + to the R-Ladies name. As symbols and words matter a lot, we wanted to explicitly communicate, with the use of these symbols, the importance of diversity and inclusion to our community. We used them in this useR! to reinforce that we welcome diversity and put an effort into creating collectively a safe and friendly space.

Curating for @WeAreRLadies on Twitter

Figure 1: Photo by Arno Smit on Unsplash ( This post was originally published on Shannon Pileggi’s personal blog. TL; DR In February 2021 I tweeted to a daunting >20k followers by curating for @WeAreLadies on Twitter. This was great opportunity to share knowledge, interact with others, and learn something in return, ultimately cultivating new connections and collaborations. From preparation to fruition, I hope this post helps you confidently enroll as a curator!

The R-Ladies Mentoring Program: R-Ladies Cotonou journey

We are very happy to provide you this blog article in different languages, English, French and Spanish. If you would like to know more about how to contribute to the R-Ladies Blog in general or would like to recommend anything, please reach out to us with an e-mail at How it all started …? 🤔 R-Ladies Cotonou is a local chapter of R-Ladies Global located in Cotonou, Benin (West Africa).

R-Ladies Infrastructure for Online Meetups

Our chapters have cancelled in-person meetups due to the corona virus pandemic. However, we want our members to be able to stay connected and still share their latest R-related discoveries and journeys. To support our chapter organisers in moving their events online, we decided to provide them with video conferencing infrastructure. Our network has grown to over 160 chapters worldwide so we were wondering how many meeting rooms we would need.

Recipe for a year-end video

To close the awesome R-Ladies 2019 year we made a video, if you haven’t seen it yet, here it is: Happy New Year to all #rladies and allies! 🎉🎉🎉 Video put together by @yabellini & @_lacion_ , voice @AlejaBellini 💜💜💜 — R-Ladies Global (@RLadiesGlobal) January 1, 2020 Did you like it? Do you want to know how we did it? Here we will give you all the details: What story are we going to tell?

IWD 2019 Twitter Action

Every year on March 8th, the world celebrates International Women’s Day (IWD). Although this date has different ways of celebration, it has one point in common - the fight for gender equality. The previous year, in 2018, an enthusiast R-Ladies’ group took the initiative for a massive project to tweet about all the profiles registered in the R-ladies directory, throughout 8th March 2018. In February this year, the year 2019, Yanina proposed to follow their lead and tweet about all the R-Ladies Chapters, throughout 8th March 2019.

vacation <- grow(RLadiesNetwork)

We would like to tell you how one vacation lead to growth of R Ladies community in South America. The story involves multiple countries and crossing paths at the right time in life. Mine Dogucu I am from Turkey but I lived in the United States most of my adulthood. In December 2014, I decided to take a trip to South America - to Chile, Uruguay, and Argentina. Being a graduate student at the time put me in a need to lower my travel costs.

3. Behind the scenes of R-Ladies IWD2018 Twitter action!

As told by Page and Sheila On March the 8th, International Women’s Day, we ran a continuous feed of awesome R-Ladies profiles from our directory via @rladies_iwd2018. It was a blast! And a lot of team work too! To round out our three-part blog series of the IWD Directory campaign, we’ll discuss topics related to privacy law, contact information collection and the future of our R-Ladies directory project. You can also read the Part 1 and Part 2.

2. Behind the scenes of R-Ladies IWD2018 Twitter action!

As told by Kelly O’Briant On March the 8th, International Women’s Day, we ran a continuous feed of awesome R-Ladies profiles from our directory via @rladies_iwd2018. It was a blast! And a lot of team work too! In this blog post, we’ll cover the deployment and monitoring stages of our project. You can also read the Part 1. Recap The great part about being put in charge of deploying a project, is that all the hard work is mostly done already!