Blog posts
1. Behind the scenes of R-Ladies IWD2018 Twitter action!
As told by Maëlle Salmon with notes from Bea Hernández On March the 8th, International Women’s Day, we ran a continuous feed of awesome R-Ladies profiles from our directory via @rladies_iwd2018. It was a blast! And a lot of team work too! In this blog post, we’ll explain how we designed and completed our Twitter action.
An idea sown on IWD2017! Last year on International Women’s day, R-Ladies ally David Robinson promoted Twitter accounts of female data scientists.

R-Ladies was founded by Gabriela de Queiroz. She wanted to do something to give back to the R learning community after going to several meetups and learning a lot for free. The first meetup took place in San Francisco, California (United States) on October 1, 2012. In the following years two more R-Ladies chapters launched independently around the world : Twin Cities, USA and Taipei. R-Ladies London launched in March 2016.