IWD 2019 Twitter Action

Every year on March 8th, the world celebrates International Women’s Day (IWD). Although this date has different ways of celebration, it has one point in common - the fight for gender equality. The previous year, in 2018, an enthusiast R-Ladies’ group took the initiative for a massive project to tweet about all the profiles registered in the R-ladies directory, throughout 8th March 2018. In February this year, the year 2019, Yanina proposed to follow their lead and tweet about all the R-Ladies Chapters, throughout 8th March 2019.
3. Behind the scenes of R-Ladies IWD2018 Twitter action!
As told by Page and Sheila On March the 8th, International Women’s Day, we ran a continuous feed of awesome R-Ladies profiles from our directory via @rladies_iwd2018. It was a blast! And a lot of team work too! To round out our three-part blog series of the IWD Directory campaign, we’ll discuss topics related to privacy law, contact information collection and the future of our R-Ladies directory project. You can also read the Part 1 and Part 2.
2. Behind the scenes of R-Ladies IWD2018 Twitter action!
As told by Kelly O’Briant On March the 8th, International Women’s Day, we ran a continuous feed of awesome R-Ladies profiles from our directory via @rladies_iwd2018. It was a blast! And a lot of team work too! In this blog post, we’ll cover the deployment and monitoring stages of our project. You can also read the Part 1.
Recap The great part about being put in charge of deploying a project, is that all the hard work is mostly done already!
1. Behind the scenes of R-Ladies IWD2018 Twitter action!
As told by Maëlle Salmon with notes from Bea Hernández On March the 8th, International Women’s Day, we ran a continuous feed of awesome R-Ladies profiles from our directory via @rladies_iwd2018. It was a blast! And a lot of team work too! In this blog post, we’ll explain how we designed and completed our Twitter action.
An idea sown on IWD2017! Last year on International Women’s day, R-Ladies ally David Robinson promoted Twitter accounts of female data scientists.